To see images, go to the Civil War search engine at this Library of Congress site and type in call number or simply click on the call numbers below. Downloads are free.
Photographer, his wagon and tent at Cold Harbor, Va., 1864. (Library of Congress)
LC-B8184-651: Brady photographers at Manassas, showing darkroom wagon.
LC-B8184-B-5077: Brady photographers at Petersburg.
LC-B8184-7347: Photographers quarters at Petersburg, showing camera set up used to copy maps in the field.
LC-B815-595: Main Street in Sharpsburg Md. after the battle of Antietam, showing Gardner’s photo wagon. It’s just past the third house on the right, and just ahead of that row of trees.
In this April 1865 image of the Ballard House on Franklin Street in Richmond, a photographer’s tent appears at left. (Library of Congress)
LC-B815-963: Franklin Street in Richmond with photographer tent.
LC-B815-1182: Photo of Petersburg Gas Works with Timothy O’Sullivan’s photo wagon on the right.
LC-B811-256 and LC-B811-268: Two Gardner images of the dead at Gettysburg with his darkroom wagon in the background.
LC-B811-2403: Brady photo of John Burns cottage at Gettysburg showing Brady sitting on lower back step, and portable darkroom outfit to the right, partially shadowed by the water well.
LC-B811-2447: Photographer, his wagon and tent at Cold Harbor, Va., 1864. Shows photographer holding glass plate.
LC-B811-2501: Photo wagon at Cobb’s Hill, Bermuda Hundred, with lens and chemicals on ground in right hand image.
LC-B811-2665: Knoxville image with photographer and camera on tripod in right hand side of right image.
In a cropped enlargement of an image of Confederate defenses in Atlanta, photographer George Barnard’s wagon and portable darkroom appear in the background. (Library of Congress)
LC-B811- 2725: Fortifications at Atlanta with Barnard’s darkroom tent in image.
LC-B811-3053: Shot of Cooley’s camera on the parapet of Fort Sumter, April 1865.
LC-B811-3062: Photograph of photographer Sam Cooley shooting a photo on the parapet of Fort Sumter, April 1865.
LC-B811-3116 and 3429: Photos showing George S. Cook’s house on the battery at Charleston in April 1865.. It’s the steep-gabled house to the left of Hatch’s HQ, with mourning ribbon (Lincoln) wrapped around the columns.
LC-B811-4018 and LC-B811-4018A-1: Two shots of Sam Cooley and staff and wagon.
LOT 2775, no. 45: Photo shows a portable darkroom in the wagon, with photographer Alexander Gardner seated in middle of image, holding his camera lens.
LOT 2775, no. 27: Gardner’s photo wagon in the West.